#3510 留言者:glace [2003-11-13] |
主題:宇宙浪子英譯 第五回 位置: "隕石"撞船的經過 原文: 因為傳感器的表面積不到一平方公分 譯文: The surface of a sensor was less than one cubic centimeter 建議: The surface of a sensor was less than one square centimeter (無) 原文: 在隕石密度小於億萬分之一的太空中 譯文: With the density of a meteorite taking up a mere 1/100 millionth of space 建議: With the metrorite density less then 1/100 millionth in space (譯文無法理解,可能錯了) 原文: 根據數據分析,遂誤解為一種「太空磁暴」。 譯文: Based on data analysis, it was mistakenly thought to be some kind of “solar magnetic storm”. 建議: Based on data analysis, it was mistakenly thought to be some kind of “[cosmic] magnetic storm”. (後文提到新星誕生和白矮星,不能冠以太陽系磁風暴之名。後面的 solar magnetic storm 皆改) 原文: 或是白矮星塌陷時,由中心輻射出大量的阿爾發射線 譯文: or a white dwarf collapses, a large quantity of alpha will radiate forth from its core 建議: or a white dwarf collapses, a large quantity of alpha particles will radiate forth from its core (因為是首次出現,用簡名會令人不知所指) 原文: 其輻射量往往大於每秒數十萬「雷姆」, 譯文: This radiation energy always the equivalent of thousands “rem” per second, 建議: This radiation energy almost always exeed hundreds of thousands of 'rem', (錯了?) 位置: 接受工作 原文: 黑金剛也接口說:「我向當局請示過,今天的事件已列入特密專案。所有參加的人員已經到齊,一直要到問題查清了,我們才能歇手。」格瑞達嬌聲說:「要是查不出來呢?」 譯文: ... we can't relax until this problem is taken care of." Greda asked sweetly, “And what if we can’t?” 建議: ... we can't relax until this problem is taken care of." Greda asked sweetly, "And what if it can't be taken of?" (譯文上下句連不起來) 位置: 千奇解釋類比訊號 原文: 在任何頻率範圍內,都有無盡的變化 譯文: It can have unlimited permutations within any frequency domain. 建議: It can have infinite detail within any frequency domain. (permutations 用在此不大妥當) 位置: 進入電腦室 原文: 在千奇分配下,大家開始作業。 譯文: Under Creepy's direction, every one went to work. 建議: Under Creepy's direction, everyone went to work. (手誤) 位置: 百怪"危言聳聽" (其實他猜想正確) 原文: 有沒有人想過,如果這個傳感器真是因共振才接收到訊號,萬一波相雷同,能量會無限放大。那麼,傳感器有沒有被損害? 譯文: Did it occur to anyone that the reason this sensor received the signal was because of resonance frequency? If the waves were the same, the energy would be limitlessly amplified. 建議: Did it occur to anyone that if the reason this sensor received the signal was really due to resonance, then when it was in phase with the wave, energy woule be limitlessly amplified. (譯文不算錯,但不夠準) 原文: 船長話剛說完,就聽船上的主機開口說 譯文: As soon as the captain finished, the ship's main frame spoke up 建議: As soon as the captain finished, the ship's host computer spoke up (main frame 是大型主機,當其時應已式微了) 原文: 情況比較嚴重的是,傳感器後方正對著舞廳,目前廳內有近百位賓客, 譯文: A more serious problem lies behind the sensor, somewhere in the dance hall. There are about 100 passengers in the hall right now. 建議: A more serious problem it that the other side of the sensor is facing the dance hall. There are about 100 passengers in the the ball right now. (個人意見,請參考) 位置: 黑金剛攜船長至舞廳 原文: 正好有個立式機器人舉著酒盤走過,黑金剛一把拉了過來,把酒盤丟到地上 譯文: It just so happened that an upright robot was passing by with a tray of liquor. Black King Kong pulled him over, tossed the tray to the floor, 建議: It just so happened that an upright robot was passing by with a tray of liquor. Black King Kong pulled it over, tossed the tray to the floor, (立式機器人用 him 也沒不妥,不過因為黑金剛碰巧和船長一起,此 him 會引起誤會) 原文: 這類喜好池中運動的人,常常使用一些助興劑 譯文: Those who liked dance floor exercise often used "uppers". 建議: Those who liked exercise in the dancing pool often used "uppers". (原文池指舞池,英國也有黑池舞蹈大賽 Black Pool,因此直接用 pool 也應該解得通,請參考) 位置: 話轉衣紅小組 原文: 衣紅和左非右正在下棋, 譯文: Yi Hong was playing chess with Zuo Feiyo, 建議: Yi Hong was playing the chess of Go with Zuo Feiyo, (Go 在外國也很有名,不過很多名詞都出自日文) 原文: 衣紅正在考慮一個劫子 譯文: Yi Hong was thinking about her next move 建議: Yi Hong was concentrated on a Ko (無) 位置: 乘客找船長生事 原文: 來找船長興師問罪。 譯文: came to demand an explanation from the Captain. 建議: demand to see the Captain. (明顯人家不是來要解釋的。然而譯者福至心靈,賠償又豈不是一種"解釋"。若此,晚輩擊節贊賞) 位置: 介紹雙向屏影音系統 原文: 有經驗的通訊者會充分利用這種落差,把八十六秒用完,這樣對話就能前後銜接。 譯文: Experienced communicators would take advantage of this opportunity to use up the full 86 seconds. In this way there would be no break in their conversation. 建議: Experienced communicators would take advantage of this opportunity to use up the full 86 seconds. In this way the conversations can be linked up with each other. (用過網上視像會議系統即知,滯後所引致的中斷絕對避不了,原文的方法只是令一問一答間可以接的上,no break 是不可能的) 原文: 等了一分多鐘,屏幕上的紀來之才說 譯文: After more than a minute, the screen image of Ji Laizhi said, 建議: 等了三分多鐘,屏幕上的紀來之才說 (落差86秒,一來一回,約三分鐘多。與孔無咎說的快慢無關,因為對方總要聽到了才能回答) 位置: 電腦替以詩會友大會賣廣告 原文: 甲板上現在舉行以詩會友大會,歡迎大家踴躍參加。」 譯文: There will be a meeting of the ‘making friends through poetry’ club. Everyone is welcome to attend. 建譯: There will be a meeting of the 'making friends through poetry'. Everyone is welcome to attend. (孔無咎是荻苑詩社 Di Yuan Poetry Society 的,並非什麼 club ) 位置: 詩社會埸 原文: 在這行漢字之下,還有一行註腳:「以中國古詩會友,請不要拘泥於翻譯系統的解釋,謝謝。」 譯文: Don't get bogged down by interpretations made by the translation system. Thank you. 翻譯詩詞最是折壽,好在原文有這一句 ,晚輩偷懶,後面的都免了。 嘿嘿!朱老未卜先知,晚輩五體投地。 |
回應﹕ 謝謝費心,已交譯者斟酌之。 |
#3526 留言者:glace [2003-11-19] |
主題:宇宙浪子英譯版 第六回 位置: 高頻載波 原文: 如果用光波或更高能量的電磁波作載體,其所需要的能量極大,而且還要有非常精密的混波設備。 譯文: If light waves, or even a higher energy such as electromagnetic waves, are to be the carrier they would require both immense energy and a very precise mixer. 建議: If light waves, or electromagnetic waves of even higher energy, are to be the carrier they would require both immense energy and a very precise mixer. (光波也是電磁波) 位置: 討論外星人 原文: 如果真有外星人,再若他們能跟我們接觸,他們的觀念、技術豈不勝過我們千百倍? 譯文: If there were aliens and if they wanted to contact us, wouldn’t their thinking and technology be hundreds of thousands times more advanced than ours? 建議: If there were aliens and if they were able to contact us, wouldn’t their thinking and technology be hundreds of thousands times more advanced than ours? (wanted to 和 able to 有差別) 位置: 玉佩 原文: 百怪說畢,從口袋裡取出一塊淺綠色的玉珮, 譯文: When Weirdo finished, he took out a light green jade from his pocket. 建議: When Weirdo finished, he took out a pale green jade from his pocket. (light green jade 有可能被誤解為份量輕的綠色玉) 原文: 一個金色凸起的雕印 譯文: a golden bas-relief carving 建議: a golden base-relief carving (錯字?) 原文: 然後說:「婆婆媽媽們,這樣滿意了吧?」 譯文: Then he said, “O.k., girls. Satisfied?” 建議: Then he said, "Yes, MOM. Satisfied?" (純粹建議) 位置: 古嚕嚕介紹統一規律 原文: 又因為各民族生活習慣有別,所以『它』又有多種不同的面貌。 譯文: However, because each ethnic group has their own life style and customs, so ‘It’ appears in many different guises 建議: However, because each ethnic group has its own life style and customs, so 'It' appears in many different guises. (語法?) 原文: 一定有人說:『哼!怎麼可能,是我的眼睛呢!』 譯文: Someone would say, ‘Huh! How could it possibly be my eyes!’ 建議: Someone would say, 'Huh! How could it be possible! They're my eyes!' (原話中有一個逗號,解釋便有不同) 位置: 朱老事蹟 原文: 直到他完成了『智慧電腦』,然後,騎著青牛,出了函谷關,不知到哪裡去了! 譯文: Finally, after he developed the ‘A.I. computer’, he rode a blue water-buffalo and departed from the Han Gu Pass [Note 3]. No one knows what became of him. 建議: ... green water-buffalo ... (綠色的水牛晚輩見過,藍色的不常見。說實話,青牛倒底是青色還是年青?還好,green 也可以解作少不更事) 位置: 第五行星 原文: 當人慾極度擴張,公與私分配的比例,達到整個社會容忍的極限時,社會就會瓦解。 譯文: When human desire reaches extremes, and the disparity in wealth between government and the public reaches the limits of endurance, society will collapse. 建議: ... the disparity in wealth between general public and individuals reaches the limits of endurance, society will collapse. (公私應不是 government and public) 原文: 在財富的堆砌下,美國變成一個超級的大吸鐵石 譯文: The accumulation wealth has made America became a fantastic magnet. 建議: The accumulation of wealth has made America became a fantastic magnet (不小心) 位置: 史都華洩露了自己的年紀 原文: 說到這裡,他自知洩露了天機, 譯文: These words were no sooner out then he realized he had given himself away. 建議: These words were no sooner out than he realized he had given himself away. (手誤?) 原文: 二十世紀的文明,全是靠我們美國維持的! 譯文: During the 20th century civilization was kept going by American effort. 建議: The 20th century civilization was kept going by American effort.” (語法?) 原文: 你算那門子的博士?連小偷娼妓都不認識?快回去看看你的爸爸媽媽! 譯文: What kind of a Dr. are you? You don’t even know what a prostitute or a thief is! Go back to where you came from! 建議: What kind of a Dr. are you? You don’t even know what a prostitute or a thief is! Go check out your mom and dad! (譯者心地良善,這裡是罵的狠了些) |
回應﹕ 謝謝費心。 原譯者為一居台之美國教授,現回美休假,資料已傳。 |
#3527 留言者:glace [2003-11-20] |
主題:Re: #3526 > "原譯者為一居台之美國教授,..." 哇o塞!留言多有得罪,輕率冒犯之處,抱歉抱歉。 |
回應﹕ 有何抱歉?智者千慮必有一失,不怕虎才是大勇(蓋君子不以言舉人,不以人廢言也)。 (沈補)今晚找到譯者之簡歷,補在譯文之處。 |
#3529 留言者:glace [2003-11-20] |
主題:怕虎不怕虎? 昨天剛好看到一個故事,不很懂.碰巧朱老提到老虎,是以有問. 話說有三位禪師 A, B, C. 行路時見道旁一老虎. C 和其他兩人戰戰競競走過虎的身邊. 爾後 C 問餘二人:"剛才你們看到的老虎像什麼?" A 云:"一隻貓." B 曰:"一隻狗." 他們反問 C, C 答道:"一隻大蟲." 晚輩弄不清這個故事的主旨為何. 修道的不同階段? 自知者量力而為? 勇和莽的分別? 還是講行道的不同法門? 抑或這一類故事是仁者見仁,智者見智, 不同人有不同的環境因素會有不同的解釋? 又抑或是如杏娃所說的: "空虛無界,境界等深"? 怎麼好像越想越亂,找不到主線呢? |
回應﹕ 佛家主張:諸識皆幻,萬法本空。「虎」者,形象也,雖人覺人殊,名之為「虎」。既為三位禪師,所云必非「形象」,故爾。 譬如「今日社會」,若問「覺者」,所云為何? |
#3541 留言者:glace [2003-11-27] |
主題:宇宙浪子英譯版 第七回 位置: 首段 原文: 他們雖然喜歡看書,但書上都是一些死知識, 譯文: Though they liked to read, to them books contained nothing but useless knowledge. 建議: Though they liked to read, to them books contained knowledge that are too rigid and dull. (useless knowledge, 原文似無如此苛刻) 位置: 左非右要弄實境 原文: 我們反對電腦,並不代表我們否定電腦。」 譯文: Because we oppose computers doesn’t mean we reject them. 建議: Because we object computers doesn’t mean we reject them. (小把戲,好像對稱一些) 位置: 第一次出現皮質素 原文: 自願供臨床試驗,注射過皮質素。 譯文: I volunteered to take part in an experiment where I was injected with an RNA. 建議: I volunteered to take part in an experiment where I was injected with corticosteroid. (見下面) 位置: 左非右弄實境 原文: 原來左非右除了把真實幻境改換為實境外,還應用了多重感應的效果 譯文: In addition to changing Illusory Reality into Reality, Zuo Feiyo employed the Multi-sensory effect. 建議: In addition to changing Virtual Illusion into Reality, Zuo Feiyo employed the Multi-sensory effect. (這裡原文像也弄錯了。第三回中有介紹虛擬幻境 Virtual Illusion 和虛擬實境 Virtual Reality 的分別。) (沈補:非也,以之代虛擬實境,避免重詞也。) 位置: 介紹實境 原文: 亭子建在一處三面孤懸、斜倚翠壁的高臺上, 譯文: The pavilion, open on 3 sides, was situated on a high platform and backed against a green cliff. 建議: The pavilion was situated on a high platform open on 3 sides, and backed against a green cliff. (三面懸著的是高臺不是亭子) 位置: 褲白看呆了 原文: 哇塞!這是你設計出來的嗎? 譯文: Wow! Did you do that? 建議: Wow! Didi you design this? (與下句左非右的答話一起來看,用 design 似較好) 位置: 白沙瀑 原文: 這個瀑布景觀很特殊,下面有個深潭,潭邊有兩峰亭亭夾立, 譯文: The scenery around this waterfall was very unique. Below a deep pool was enclosed on both sides by two straight and lofty peaks. 建議: The scenery around this waterfall was very unique. A deep pool below was enclosed on both sides by two straight and lofty peaks. (Below a deep pool, 在深潭的下面?) 位置: 夢 原文: 所謂做夢,就是放縱人的本能,任其赤裸裸地活躍在大腦記憶中。 譯文: The purpose of dreaming is to unfetter human instinct and allow it to follow the dictates of primal memory. 建議: The purpose of dreaming is to unfetter human instinct and allow it to dictates the memory in its primal form. (建議的也不好,但怎樣也不應和 primal memory 有關) 原文: 今人既然刻意要做預設的夢,這種夢境就必須真實 譯文: Today, since man deliberately sought to have designer dreams, these dreams must be realistic. 建議: Today, since man deliberately sought to have designed dreams, these dreams must be realistic. (手誤?) 位置: 亂倫 原文: 但若父親要與女兒做愛,唯一的原因,只是對方是他的女兒,這當然是亂倫, 譯文: However, if a father wants to make love to his own daughter, and the sole reason the other party happens to be his daughter, this of course is incest. 建議: However, if a father wants to make love to his own daughter, for the sole reason the other party happens to be his daughter, this of course is incest. (不小心) 位置: 介紹皮質素 原文: 不久,一種也是利用基因工程的新藥––腺呤酸胺––被研製出來了,因它又能促進皮膚細胞的新陳代謝,也稱做「皮質素」。 譯文: Before long, a new drug using genetic engineering – the amino acid adenine – a form of RNA, was developed, that accelerated metabolism of the skin. 建議: Before long, a new drug using genetic engineering - the amino acid adenine - was developed, it was also named corticoid as it also accelerates the metabolim of the skin. (皮質素稱之為 corticosteroid 可以吧,就是皮質甾。 RNA 範圍太廣了。至於腺呤酸胺,由於是新藥,怎麼譯也行咧。) 原文: 他既有技術,又享有特殊的優待 譯文: Since he had the technological know-how and was receiving special treatment, 建議: Since he had the technological know-how and was granted privileges, (special treatment 也許會被誤解成特殊的治療) 位置: 褲白想什麼能力最大 原文: 急得抓耳撓腮 譯文: he twisted his ears and beard as he thought it over 建議: he twisted his ears and cheek as he thought it over (查字典 [抓耳撓腮 = twisting ears and beards in pondering.],但褲白比衣紅還小,實在沒有鬍子可抓也) |
回應﹕ 謝謝費心。 |
#3542 留言者:glace [2003-11-27] |
主題:Re: #3529 關於"虎",依朱老的意思是否等於這樣一個公式: "我說虎,既非虎,乃名虎。" 就是我說的這個虎只是我意識中對於"虎"這個形象所產生的聯想,而非現實的"肉食動物,威武勇猛"者。 由於每個人生命的承繼、生存的環境、生活的遭遇皆不相同,是故每個人眼中所見的虎在心中都會產生不一樣的感覺和意識的聯通。如果其產生的內容和以前某個經驗非常接近的話,就會有"像什麼什麼"的說法。 因此禪師說:"像一隻狗"時,把整句展開的話就是:"當看到了這隻老虎,它的形象在我心中造成一些反應,這些反應牽動了一個意識的狀態。然而這個狀態和"肉食動物,威武勇猛"不相干,我怎樣把它告訴你呢?它碰巧和我對一隻狗所產生的意識狀態非常接近或是在這個場合下等價的,因此我認為它們彼此很像。但是就算對隻狗的狀態也不是"象犬,略小,善吠,出氣成聲之獸"可以正確描述的,但是也只好借用這個概念,"名"之為狗了。" 正由於人人不可能盡同,所以這不屬於對和錯的範籌,只有所謂境界高低。就是該人刻意對自我意識(心)的一種調整使其對不同的內外刺激皆有較一致的反應狀態,而這狀態能處在境界為高的情況是當它和大環境的客觀現實,整體的意識,統一的趨勢不相左。 晚輩饒舌,請問朱老是不是可以這樣理解?而"今日社會"的"覺者"問題,是不是也可以套用這個公式呢? |
回應﹕ 覺者覺一知萬,斯乃稱覺。概念也者,以主觀統率萬象,供人知機。既知機,眾生實一,「我」乃眾生,待眾生如己,私之不存矣。知若不行,豈非空口說白話?自欺欺人乎? |
#3547 留言者:glace [2003-11-28] |
主題:咦? 朱老是罵晚輩知而不行嗎?還是怪乎晚輩"不知機",故爾怒? |
回應﹕ 老朽為文,風格難改;知與不知,怒從何來? |
#3553 留言者:glace [2003-12-02] |
主題:覺者覺一知萬 嘻,#3547 則實在是晚輩做賊心虛也。謝朱老點明。 朱老一句覺一知萬可分拆出四個概念: 覺:感受,意識到,乃從心; 知:瞭解,明白到,乃從理; 一:不是平常說的"一個",而是"一整個",是為眾(包括我),為大原則,是天; 萬:不是平常說的"大多數",而是"組成大多數的每一個",是私(包括我),為具體細節,是變化; 組合起來計有覺萬、覺一、知萬、知一四個狀態,晚輩勉強解釋為下。 覺萬:拋開個人(這一個我)的立場,意識到他人(其他的我)存在,和別的立場易地而處,即體驗人生。 如有一人,其父肺炎而死,現其子亦得肺炎而醫院救之,若問今日社會,則乃科學昌盛,光明美麗; 又有一人,羨先輩曾三妻四妾,紅樓銷魂,仿而效之終患愛滋病,若問今日社會,則咒之必亡; 又有一子,生於非洲種族衝突之地,父母雙亡,荒野漂泊,輾轉為奴,九歲而??,若問今日社會, 其曾有乎? 今日來自昨日,今日社會既不比昨日差,也不比昨日好。今日又產生明日。當體驗的越多, 從這許多的個體反射出來的片面中可以矇矓地的意識到因果爽然,軌跡昭然的一個大結構。 覺一:量變遂成質變。積累的許多茅盾和對立終於在更高的層次找到一條線把它們貫穿起來。 這些對立都是能量,當積塞的越多則在圓滿時可以看的更深更透徹。如果所體驗的人生只是個人 或是家庭,則所謂覺一也只能是"一個小圈子"。天將降大任者,必先壓了夠多夠大無法解開的扣, 在民族,在國家,在人類,在整個世界,然後塞子一拔,嘩啦啦就全流通了。 知萬:從覺一到知萬,是一個印證的過程。(覺萬是知其然,覺一是知其必然,知萬是知其何以然。) 好比一團平均為五度的冷空氣以時速二十公里向南移動,但是細量每一個空氣粒子其必然和這個 大趨勢有差異,有與其背道而馳的,有溫度較之為暖的,或因地形影響,或因高空擾動。究其所以 變化而不為其所惑,因勢利導,不強加力,亦不為其所化。這是行道? 知一:徹底把方程解了。明白了軌跡的公式並背後的原理。是知其何以必然。 想得好辛苦才想到這些,但願不是胡思亂想。 問題一:人有可能達到知一的狀態嗎? 問題二:上面四個狀態在時間上的先後次序是 覺萬→ 覺一 → 知萬 → 知一 ,請問會不會有其他的順序? 問題三:會不會真有書上說的"一下子什麼都明白了"的情況?明心見性是否不在這個架構裡面? 問題四:慈悲出現在何處? 問題五:有時泛小船於水上,仰??船中,舟行而人不覺,我即是水,水即是我;亦有時登坐山脊, 化身木石,臨風沐雨,我即是山,山即是我;這些算不算一種小的覺悟,抑或只是一時夢遊而已? 問題六:朱老寫程式曾被沈先生戲稱為朱3K,不知為文答問能不能稍微加一丁點兒的冗餘? 晚輩的"buffer"不夠用了。 問題七:請問今日的課「虞師晉師滅夏陽」可否和「宮之奇諫假道」一塊兒講? |
回應﹕ 一、可。 二、依人而異。 三、有。 四、一。 五、小覺。 六、否。 七、必然。 |
#3560 留言者:glace [2003-12-03] |
主題:往事 家中長輩掃除,無意中掃出一套「聚珍中文整合系統.推廣版」。磁片資料已無法讀取,但拍了幾張照片寄予網管,看看能不能放在網上,供網友一睹為快。 另翻看了使用手冊的序文,其中有些重點句子在十數年後的今天看之,仍富啟發性,其中以資料結構之說尤其如此: § 我們認為最有效的應用軟體,應該是由使用者根據個人的習慣及需求自行設計。 § 將所有已經上市的、有實用價值的各種套裝軟體,經過整理研究後,全部熔合為一爐,以統一的應用方式,隨時在各種功能狀態下任意處理,這就是「整合觀念」。用這種觀念製作的程式,概稱「整合程式」,依此理念設計的系統,即為整合系統。 § 最重要的意義,並不在於證明了我的理論不是空想,而在於證明了國人完全具有自行開發大型、超高功能套裝軟體,發展領先全世界技術的能力。希望藉此起國人的自信及自尊心,及時奮發圖強,永保領先。 § 良好的規劃是整合系統的成敗關鍵 § 雖然在軟體工程上,一般學者認為空間及時間的效益經常是交換性的,二者不可得兼。然而在我們的研究中,一再證明在正確的觀念下,良好的規劃與「有機性」的資料結構,不僅能節省空間,且能縮短處理的時間。 § 其中最重要關鍵在於有機性資料結構,因為程式所處理的對象皆為資料,如若資料本身不具備此種結構,則在程式寫作時,不可能找到規律,於是程式變得複雜繁冗,空間加大了,執行的速度也相對的慢了下來。 § 有機性資料結構是對程式及其所處理之資料,先作分類分析,找到關鍵性的因素,以及處理的重點和層次。如果能把它設計成為一種有機的結構,則程式的寫作,袛不過是將架構的原始理念釋放出來,自必簡單而又有效。 § 最後,我懇切地希望國人能放棄「抄襲、漢化」的惡習,自尊自重,共同努力來開拓這片「人智」的軟體世界,為漢家兒女爭光。 |
回應﹕ 真真白頭宮女話當年也!老朽自號「不二」,實則累仆累戰,恨國人寧為雞後不為牛首也!「聚珍整合系統」係因當年「六四」運動發生,知識青年只知「聞雞起舞」祖逖,而渾忘「臥薪嘗膽」之勾踐!白白浪費了十年之振興契機! 該軟體動用了四、五位工程師,七、八位學習者,由規劃到「半成品」,約十個月。時為1989年,單位屬於中國科學院深圳科園,僅備有286機器數台(餘為大雜燴)。本擬一股作氣,不幸敗於「政企分離」,單位負責人要我等立即「進入市場」焉。 詳情請閱拙著《智慧之旅》炎夏血淚篇,後敗走台東,現乃「西山再起」也! 所幸老朽一生未以成敗得失為念,今知後繼有人,入土可安矣!暴秦雖一統天下,未及百年,楚(漢)僅三戶,亡秦必楚(漢),何必介意於聚珍乎與否? |
#3567 留言者:glace [2003-12-05] |
主題:宇宙浪子英文譯文 第八回 位置:文祥杏娃對話 原文:「你是說,如果我抗命不來火星也可以?」 譯文:“You mean, it would have been o.k. if I'd disobeyed orders to come to Mars?” 建議:”You mean, it would have been o.k. if I'd disobeyed orders and not come to Mars?" (例句:He disobeyed order to kill. 到底他殺了人沒有?這樣的英文句式本身模糊,建議加一個 and) 原文:「可分類還有什麼樂趣,開玩笑就是一種雙態狀況,不然開什麼玩笑?」 譯文:“If they could be categorized, what fun would there be? Joking assumes an understanding on the part of both parties. Otherwise, what's the point of making a joke?” 建譯:"... Joking assumes an understanding on the hidden part of both parties...." (或者直接用原文翻譯 Joking is a dual state balance so is not meant for categorizing. Otherwise, what's the point of making a joke?) 原文:「你明白的告訴我,要開我的玩笑,豈不是破壞了雙態狀況嗎? 譯文:“You specifically said you were going to joke at my expense. Didn't that spoil the ‘mutual understanding’? 建議:"You specifically said you were going to joke at my expense. Didn't that spoil the 'mutual understanding of the misunderstandings'? (不開玩笑的話也可直接用原文翻譯 Didn't that disturb the dual states balance?) 位置:千奇解釋地球發展 原文:就是那天我們發現的那個高頻波 譯文:It’s the special name we gave to the high frequency we discovered the other day 建議:It's the special name we gave to the high frequency wave we dicovered the other day (漏了) 原文:由於過去分子工程上的缺失,約有百分之二的偵測器材,在高劑量的輻射下,都產生了鍺七六。 譯文:In the past, due to defects in molecular engineering, exposed under high dosage of radiation, about 2% of measurement instruments will produce germanium 76, when exposed to high dosages of radiation. 建議:In the past, due to fefects in molecular engineering, about 2% of measurement instuments will produce gernanium 76, when exposed to high dosages of radiation. (重覆) 原文:提出了「成長極限論」, 譯文:They proposed a theory of maximum development theory... 建議:They proposed the maximum development theory... (重覆) 原文:期望在牛奶、蜂蜜舖地的物質天堂中,佔得一席之地。 譯文:They eagerly took part in events hoping to secure a place in the land of milk and honey that was materiel heaven. 建議:They eagerly took part in events hoping to secure a place in the material heaven laid full milk and honey. (無) 原文:為了滿足無厭的需求,地球上經過十億年所累積的太陽能––石油, 譯文:In order to satisfy these endless needs, petroleum, which solar energy had gradually accumulated over the past one billion years, 建議:In order to satisfy these endless needs, petroleum, which is a form of solar energy that gradually deposited over the past one billion years, (無) 原文:在時代的加速度前進下,知識爆炸、環境污染、 譯文:During this age rapid progress and the explosion of knowledge, there was environmental pollution, 建議:During this age of rapid progress, there was information explosion, environmental pollution, (一般坊間是用資訊爆炸的,因此建議用 information) 原文:但是,人卻如同沙鷸般, 譯文:But people were like sand crabs, 建譯:But people were like sandpipers, (sand crabs 是潮蟹。晚輩實不知沙鷸如何譯,建議用sandpiper,是濱鷸,或名tringa。) 原文:氣候在最精密的電腦監測下,都難以捉摸。 譯文:Even with monitoring by the most sophisticated computers, weather predication remained very difficult. 建譯:Even monitored by the most sophisiticated computers, climate prediction remained very difficult. (前半句改一下較好,後半句 climate 氣候和 weather 天氣有分別。) 原文:再加上陸地的水土保持長期被漠視 譯文:In addition, soil and water conservation had been neglected for a long period time. 建議:In addition, soil and water conservation had been neglected for a long period of time. (不小心) 原文:電腦終於發現,他知道的越多,不知道的事物,也相對的呈幾何級數增加。 譯文:The computer finally realized that the more it knew, more unknown related facts arose, like some geometric progression. 建議:The computer finally realized that the more it know, more unknown related facts arose, in the order of a geometric progression. (和幾何級數相似的只是增長的量級,而不是事件本身。) 原文:已經盤踞了整個太陽系,甚至正朝著太陽系以外逐步擴展。 譯文:It had long since strategically placed itself throughout the entire solar system, and even had begun to gradually expand beyond the solar system. 建議:It had long since strategically placed itself throughout the entire solar system, and even had begun to gradually expand beyond. (似乎可以省下一個 solar system) 原文:竟然沒有人知道應該怎樣思維, 譯文:it was shocking enough that no one knew how to think, 建議:it was shocking enough that no one know how thinking work, (勉強,很勉強的建議) 原文:完成智慧電腦晶片的不二老人,多半已經仙去。 譯文:Buer Lao, the person who developed the AI computer processing unit, had already passed away. 建議:Buer Lao, the person who developed the AI computer processing unit, had most probably passed away. (多半沒死吧...嘻) 原文:意思是說,地球運行的速度慢了下來,可能會向太陽靠近。 譯文:This means that the Earth's rotation is slowing down, and it may start drawing nearer to the Sun. 建議:This means that the Earth's orbiting motion is slowing down, and it may start drawing nearer to the Sun. (運行是指繞日運動,rotation 會誤為自轉) 位置:文祥問古嚕嚕 原文:這就是吊詭所在 譯文:This is where the suspense came in. 建議:This is where the paradox come in. (suspense 是懸念,非邏輯上說的吊詭) 位置:文祥自我交戰 原文:不論從哪個角度來看,衣紅在交往過的女孩中,不是數一也該數二。 譯文:No matter how you looked at it, though Yi Hong might not be the best of all his girlfriends, she could be ranked as second best. 建議:No matter how one looked at it, if Yi Hong was not the best of his girlfriends, she was next to best. (晚輩不贊成用 you 這個指稱。另外感覺 second best 在英語世界有貶義,數一數二則是褒義,next to best 或許能沖淡一下) 原文:不論從哪個角度看,她並沒有把自己當意中人呀! 譯文:No matter how you looked at it, she had never treated him as the object of her affection. 建議:No matter how one looked at it, she had never treated him as the object of her affection. (同上) 原文:哪知雙腳突然一軟,立刻滑倒在地。 譯文:Unexpectedly, he suddenly went weak in the knees and collapsed on the ground. 建議:Unexpectedly, he suddenly went weak in the knees and collapsed to the ground. (on the ground 已經就地了,那後面衣紅不能一把扶住,to the ground 則似乎還有個空檔) 位置:衝點飛行 原文:衝點飛行在太空船離開地球時,需消耗大量的推進劑,以脫離地球引力,改變飛行路徑,否則太空船將繞日運轉。 建議:衝點飛行在太空船離開地球時,需消耗大量的推進劑,以脫離太陽引力,改變飛行路徑。 (衝點時三個星體成直線,則起飛方向依地球軌道法線,故所受引力為地球加太陽者。但最終是以脫離太陽引力飛向火星。至於是否繞日運轉,則不太要緊。) |
回應﹕ 謝謝費心。 建議可議,因本書之目的,在於推廣「科普教育」,非為娛樂也。 《智慧學九論》係老朽美國弟子華特所譯,茲已掛於網上,有與趣請參詳一二。如有必要,將介紹與華特認識,相互切磋之。 |